Pharma Teuto Brazil, also known only as Laboratorio Teuto, is a medicine factory located in Anápolis, in the state of Goiás. It is considered one of the largest industrial complexes in Brazil and Latin America.
“Teuto was the 1st generic drug and OTC industry in Brazil to obtain ISO 9000”. “In the construction of the Teuto factory, everything was meticulously planned and executed to obtain approval from the FDA – Food and Drug Administration – the agency that controls medicines in the United States”, a fact that can recommend it to develop its commercial activity in the world markets, where the concern with health products is accentuated. The industry produces and sells generic drugs, branded generics (known as similar), MIPs (non-prescription drugs), hospital line, herbal medicines, food supplements and cosmetics.
Pharma Teuto is within an area of 1 million square meters and installed in an area of 105 thousand square meters built. In an area attached to the industry there is a forest reserve called Reserva Follium, with 700 thousand square meters, where the native fauna and flora of the cerrado are preserved. In addition, inside the company there is a daycare center for more than 150 children.